Monday, March 7, 2016

Daily Sketchbook 3/7

German Expressionism.

We have looked at a little of this art through our artist of the month series in the past (remember Kirchner, for example), but I want you to follow THIS LINK and choose one of the first 20 or so images that comes up and then follow the below steps.

1) look up this prompt on the ipad if you have not already begun to do so (no phones today)
2) enlarge your chosen image as much as possible
3) save it to the photos of the ipad
4) go way back to the watercolor layer you created on 2/11
5) spend today drawing out the image you have chosen, lightly, in pencil
6) photo your image and upload it to Canvas
7) remember which ipad you are using

Be specific with this, and mark what parts are supposed to be black. We will come back to this image again later this week.
Alternatively, and you can thank Abbi for this, you may create a pencil drawing of a hot air balloon carrying a rooster. This will ultimately be something like a fill-in ink piece so keep that in mind as you draw out your image(s).

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