Thursday, September 23, 2010

Study Drawings

Some reminders about due dates:
Art 2/3
do 6 study drawings from the list provided the first day of class
complete them on separate sheets of paper, not in your sketchbook
turn them in in your large portfolio
use the topic sheet as your labels
write on the labels which set they are for, and which s.d. they are
(example: set 1 , #2)
put them in numerical order when turning them in

Art 4
do 5 study drawings from the list provided the first day of class
pretty much follow the rest of the above directions

It is a VERY GOOD idea to do preliminary work for your study drawings (sketches, lists, etc.) in your sketchbook. Even though it is not part of your study drawings, I will be collecting and grading them in the very near future. It is very much about QUANTITY that you have done in that book. Have fun with it, but work in it as much as you can.

Due Dates for Study Drawings
Art 3/4 Oct. 4th
Art 2 Oct. 5th

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