So Andrew was kind enough to donate some not cheap hardware store cans of spray paint to the class this year that you have all been using.
They cam with a bag of nozzles, as you can see above, that are interchangeable between cans.
Now, I know what you are HOPEFULLY thinking. What the hell happened to that can of red?
I know, right!!!
This is what happens when you don't hold the can upside down and clear out the paint from the can/nozzle. S**t gets clogged and messy.
And thus unusable.
Unfortunately, this can/nozzle is basically useless at this point.
The same can be said of other things.
I mention this to make a larger point, though.
While I know ya'll are teenagers and cleaning up after yourself - let alone someone else - isn't exactly your forte, getting better - even incrementally - would be extremely helpful.
I don't mind the room being a little messy since it is, after all, an art room. I don't even mind doing some minor straightening up after you if it means you're being productive and getting better. But I've spent a lot of time cleaning up after my own kids, and I have to clean up after myself too. For reals, that keeps me busy!
I just need you to make a little bit more of a concerted effort to notice things like this and take the extra minute or two that it takes to make me - and this can - smile.
I know you know how to do it, and I have confidence in you.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
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