Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Art 3/4 Volunteers Needed

Hey all.
I need your help. The first request is really for you, but the second is definitely more for me (though you will get something out of it too).

First, I presume that you all would like a waffle day, so now is the time. By now I mean next week. And specifically I mean next Friday, 1/26.
As usual, you need to sign up to bring the stuff to make everything (link below). If not everything is covered by next Wed. we will have to cancel.
Sad face. Please don't let that happen.

Sign up to contribute to waffle day HERE. Please.

Second, the 8th grade electives fair is Tuesday 1/30. I think it officially goes from 5:30-7. Can you be one of approx. 4-6 awesome and diligent students that can work on your project and/or independent practices here in the studio from 5-7ish?
I will provide some Pizza My Heart for you to eat if you can come in and work.
There is a small caveat with this. There will be families and prospective students coming through the room to check everything out and I need you to be able to tell them how valuable and fun and important the Art sequence of classes are (and how ideal it is to start as a freshman in Art 1).
Primarily they will be asking me questions and want to talk to me, but to see students working in the room is highly valuable.
Plus, it gets you some work time while also getting a free dinner. Please follow the below link if you are able to do this. I don't need 20 people, so first come first serve on the 30th.

Sign up to work in the studio on Tues. Jan. 30th (and receive free pizza for dinner) HERE.

Last, and I'll remind you of this later, there is a public reception for our painting show over in the Council Chambers on Feb. 1st. It also goes from 5:30-7.
No, you don't have to stay the whole time. Even coming to support your peers for 15 min is great.
There are a variety of oil paintings from Art 2, 3, 4 in the show and it is always great to see the pieces outside of the studio (and guidance office).
Please mark your calendars.

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